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Prevention, pathogen control and optimisation of sustainability in agri-food production through an integrated intelligent system of digital biosecurity and logistics and the use of biotechnological tools from a one health perspective.

The BIOTEGANIA project will be based on the use of biotechnological detection tools, digital technologies and Artificial Intelligence algorithms to establish a strategy for real-time assessment of predisposing or indicative disease conditions in the environment and animals.

Another function of these tools will be to minimise the risk of disease occurrence and transmission through the application of biosecurity and biocontainment strategies that concomitantly improve production efficiency and sustainability.

In addition, in order to complete the pathogen control approach (in the event of failure of the biosafety and biocontainment system) and to contribute to reducing the spread of resistance, the development of alternative therapeutic biotechnologies to the use of traditional antimicrobials, in this case phage therapy, is envisaged.

Specific objectives

The following specific objectives are defined, interrelated and aligned with each other, to be developed in the project:

by developing an individual (farm) monitoring system for biosecurity, environmental health and animal health.

through a system for monitoring the transmission routes of infectious agents (group monitoring) and the implementation of digital logistics in the manufacture and distribution of feed and transport routes for people and animals.

through the development and application of an artificial intelligence system that integrates the information obtained in the previous objectives.

through the application of biotechnological pathogen detection and biocontrol strategies as alternatives to the use of antimicrobials.